Do not use Otrivin Plus:
- If under 18 years.
- If you are allergic to Xylometazoline, Ipratropium or any other ingredients of this medicine.
- After recent operations through the nose or mouth. .
- If you have inflammatory nasal dryness.
-If you are allergic to atropine or similar substances such as hyoscyamine and scopolamine.
- If you have narrow angle glaucoma.
- If you are pregnant.
- If irritation occurs, or if you have signs of allergy, discontinue use.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist before use:
- If you breast feeding.
- If you have any other medical conditions.
- If you are taking other medicines.
- If you suffer from high blood pressure.
- If you suffer from heart disease.
- If you have an overactive thyroid.
- If you have diabetes.
- If you have phaeochromocytoma.
- If you have an enlarged prostate gland.
- If you have problems urinating.
- If you have cystic fibrosis.
- If you are taking or have taken anti-depressants in the past 2 weeks.
Keep out of reach of children.
Warnings & cautions
· If congestion persists for more than 3 days, seek medical advice
· Do not use for more than 3 days unless advised by a pharmacist or doctor
· Each pack should be used by only one person, for reasons of hygiene
- If you use too much or in case of accidental ingestion, contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
- Frequent or prolonged use may cause nasal congestion to recur or worsen.
- Stop using this product and seek immediate medical attention if you experience sudden severe headache.
- For Nasal Use Only.